Sunday 8 December 2019

Getting the Tories out - using social media

In the next few days the Tory's millionaire backers will be buying up social media space at a ridiculous rate. We need to do everything we can to counteract this, and since it was too big for one post on Facebook there I thought I'd list it all here.

The Basics - Taking a stand

1. Don't give the Tories social media oxygen. Don't react to their posts. Don't comment on their posts. And definitely DON'T share them. Arguing with them or reacting with an angry face else just ensures more people see it.
2. Follow your chosen candidate and their local party on all platforms and if possible set notifications so you are alerted every time they post. Your job now is to boost their posts so more people see them without having to pay for it as the Tories are doing.
On Facebook react to every post (that's 'love', 'laugh', 'angry' or 'wow'), comment on every post (even if it's just a thumbs up icon) and if possible share every post.
On twitter simply like a post, rt and reply.

3. Make sure your socialist friends know this! Friends don't let friends make social media mistakes. (Maybe you could share this post?)
4. We need to show people hope. Every time you share or rt a positive post do so with a message of hope ("we can make this a reality", "this will help so many people").
If you do this it will really help your chosen candidate, and it need only take a few minutes a day for the next few days.
We CAN make a difference.

Intermediate - Beating the Blues

 1. Keep scanning the replies to your chosen candidate's posts. React to all the positive replies. DON'T react or comment on any negative responses, however if someone else has, the negative reply will rise up the comments, it's your job to push them back down again by replying to all the positive comments (you may need to reply to a few positive posts several times to push them above the negative ones). This works for Facebook and Twitter.
2. Follow the opposition. If they make a stupid mistake take a screen shot and share that with a suitably cutting comment. Never, ever, share their post directly. Ever.
3. Regularly do a search for your chosen candidate and another for your chosen constituency. Boost all the positive posts by reacting and commenting (even if it's only to say a simple 'Thanks'). On twitter don't forget to filter both for 'Top' and 'Latest'.
4. And finally an easy one, follow your party's national page, reacting, replying and sharing as you would for your local candidate. And if you have the time add a few other pages as well, such as Another Angry Voice, Scientists for EU, BestforBritain and PeoplesVote.
We CAN out-reach the Tories and we won't have to spend a penny to do it.
Go for it!

Advanced - Social Media Warrior

1. Seen a good post or image? Copy/screenshot/download/save it and push it out to your contacts via WhatsApp. This is currently being used to great effect by pro-Brexit groups.
2. Join Nextdoor. It's local to each area so you'll have to register at It's more like an old style message forum and tends to reach the people who don't like mainstream social media. It gets the message outside your normal bubble but keeps it local.
3. Watch your friends posts. If you see a lie /false news CALL IT OUT. But don't get into arguments, call it out, post your proof and move on.

Finally if you are doing all of this please get off social media for a bit. 
Call Granny, make sure she knows about why you are hoping for change of government, she'll love to hear from you. Call all your friends and relatives. Go out and get into political conversations. Sign up for your party's telephone campaign (there is usually an app for that that will allow you to do it from the comfort of your own home).
And honestly, if you can do any of that you can do door knocking.

We will win this, one conversation at time. 

For they are few, and we, we are many.

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